the Source
- …
- カート (0)
Fantastic transcendence
Beyond the universe.
the Source
- …
- カート (0)
Fantastic transcendence
Beyond the universe.
"Daily Poem -ambient photograph-"
Pictures like poetry. The photos are pleasant and silent, like ambient music. My photos capture beautiful moments in everyday life. Beauty is always present in everyday life.
Yes, if only you are willing to see it.
そう、あなたがそれを見ようとしさえすれば。For textile and interior
These are real photographs composed of natural objects, not computer graphics.I would like to use it as a graphic for clothes, lighting, chairs, and other interior design elements.I am looking for collaborators.これらは自然物から構成された本物の写真である。CGではない。洋服や照明、椅子などのインテリアのグラフィックとして使いたい。コラボレーション先を募集中。
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