the Source
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- カート (0)
Fantastic transcendence
Beyond the universe.
the Source
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- カート (0)
Fantastic transcendence
Beyond the universe.
Takehiro Namiki
Space wide Artist
I'm the "source" itself.
The method of expression does not matter.It's multi universe.
My very existence is art.One with what is.
Through my "way of being," I remind people that we were all originally free without limits.
存在自体がアート表現手法には囚われない多次元宇宙全部丸ごと愛し、ありのままで生きる"在り方"を通じて、本来は皆制限なく自由であった事を思い出すきっかけにBeyond Media
Beyond Cultures
/Photo /Video /Music /Drawing
/Space /Lighting /Interior /Textile
/Wonder Journey Guide /Festival /Ceremony /Community
creator, artist, musician, shaman, guide, carpenter, architect, business owner, real estate, researcher, scholar, sociology, science, quantum mechanics, religion, spiritual, philosophy, psychology, economics, mystery, folklore, cultural anthropology, next generation of educational theory, alternative culture, otaku, LGBTQ+, underground culture, festival, community, nature, primitive, technology, SF, fantasy, reality
Welcome to
"Fantastic Transcendence"
It's not just Art, but"Magical Ticket" for you.Every imagination becomes reality.Beyond the universe.
To perceive the world from various perspectives and angles.
To turn the "ordinary" into the "fresh everyday".
To preserving a magical, miraculous moment.
Before they disappear.
To remind us of the wonders, splendor
and beauty of life and the world.
To beyond many cultures and civilizations.To find each other attractive.
For beautiful harmony.
This is the heartbeat of the universe.
Passion and Vision
through my being.
I aim for "the happiest world where each person can be as they are, shine and resonate with each other, and where all the things necessary for enjoying life circulate comfortably.
To achieve this, I want to create a cycle through what comes from myself, just as I am.
Through my own way of being, I would be happy if I could inspire the thoughts and feelings that truly exist deep within someone's heart.I would like to share through my expression that the world is full of wonders and that there are many interesting things that are just unknown to us.
I hope that this will give hope to others and help their creativity to flourish.Always cherish pure play.
In order to let humanity's creativity flourish.
More content is available in the sidebar or three line logo. Check it out.
三線のマークやサイドバーに他のコンテンツもあります。チェックしてみてください。If you are using a smart phone or tablet, it is easier to view the screen if you turn it sideways.
// Video Installation I
(All Improvisation)
I'm the shaman who uses modern technology.
I guide people into a state of altered consciousness.
In my own unique way, I compress large projection devices down to a size that can be transported by public transportation such as trains and buses. I have the technology to freely manipulate visual devices like musical instruments, instantly transforming the entire space into another dimension.
2023 寺サウナ/東京都指定文化財心光院
2021 Nereides 輪廻の音色/天王洲/寺田倉庫 Terrada Kiwa
2021 ネオ日本市/吾野宿 築150年の歴史文化財/飯能
2021 原始感覚美術祭(長野)
2021 岩戸開き sampo,inc × お坊さんBeatboxer赤坂陽月Live(フィトンチッド/山梨)
2020 Newsweek誌の「世界が尊敬する日本人100」音楽家GocooのMV特殊効果 LOVE CLUSTER vol.1
2019 Gallery Tagboat 忘年会(DMM本社/六本木)
2019 一夜限りの大人アートな遊戯サロン(阪急銀座Men's館)
2019 KaMiNG SINGULARITY(渋谷Stream)東急電鉄特別協力
2019 一葉式いけ花第三代家元粕谷尚弘いけ花展
悠久と華の間part3 (都筑民家園・弥生遺跡内/横浜)
// Photograph
Abstract and Figurative
Light and Darkness
Analog and Digital
Primitive and Technological
Fantasy and Real
Crossing what appear to be opposites and transcending concepts.
An invitation to the fundamental nature of such a universe and other dimensions.
I create works that allow people to rediscover the beauty and mystery that lies beside our daily lives and the switching of perspectives that is often overlooked in our daily lives. This expands the consciousness of humankind.
I pray that through my art, people will feel the oneness of the world and the transcendence of concepts, and that the world will become a place for symbiotic coexistence.
The viewer can’t tell whether it’s a photograph, a painting, a computer graphics or a realistic image. Various world lines.It’s cross-cultural.
The kaleidoscopic symmetry created by the special photographic technique is often seen in the works, which are intended to sublimate the works through the beauty of randomness guided by chance.
We will find everything in that abstract, formless world.
It is hard to believe that a single artist has created such a diverse world of mandala-like patterns.
It shows a multidimensional universe.
"the Myth" series
The magic. by the Creator.It’s not just Art. An experience of another dimension begins in your everyday life. Your Ticket to it. From "ordinary life" to "new life". A fusion of shamanism, animism, technology and magic.All is ”Nature”. A human lifetime is 100 years. Nature takes hundreds of millions of years to create beautiful art. It is truly a miracle.From Yakushima, an island of natural crystal and a World Heritage Site, we focused on the beauty of form created by nature.The most beautiful museum in the world is close at hand. If you change your perspective, you will realize that a profoundly beautiful world is right under your feet and above your head.The ultimate art that nature has built up over thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of millions of years, the collaboration of its formative beauty and human hands has resulted in a futuristic art piece that evokes the vibrations of ancient times.Now, please enjoy the time of time travel.魔法。創造主によるもの。
"Fantasy in this world" series
This work contains a powerful energy that attracts people's eyes. A collection of works capturing the fantasy world hidden in everyday life. All of them are made from "real" materials. It's not CG. I do not use a PC, but only an iPhone in pursuit of a minimalist orientation in keeping with the current trends of modern society.人の目を惹きつける力強いエネルギーを内包する作品。日常に潜むファンタジーの世界を捉えた作品群。すべて「本物」の素材を使っている。CGではない。PCは使わず、現代社会の流れを汲みミニマル志向の追求によってiPhoneのみで創ったリアルフォト。"GAIA"
- Another planet on the earth -
We are in the universe.
Real SF visuals. We are all in the space.It's obvious, but it's something important that we forget.By turning our perspective outward from the stars, we can change the way we perceive the trivial troubles of daily life that occur on Earth, and the way we see the world.A few miraculous visuals sent from the perspective of aliens living on earth.There's a lot going on, but from the universe's perspective, it's like a speck of dust! the spaceman laughs.Enjoy life while you're still alive.It’s not CG. It’s real photograph in the earth.You will find the universe in the landscape within the earth.リアルSF写真集。私たちは皆、宇宙の中にいる。当たり前だけれど、忘れてしまう大事なこと。視座を星の外に向けることで、地球で起きる日常の些細なつまずきへの捉え方が変わったり、世界の見え方が変わる。地球に住む宇宙人の目線で送る、奇跡の映像の数々。色々あるかもしれないけれど、宇宙から見たらみんな埃の粒みたいなもんなんだぜ!と宇宙人は笑う。
Nature photography captured with a variety of photographic techniques and textures.To look at nature from various perspectives. It is love for nature. By switching perspectives, I hope that viewers will find it interesting, and that it will provide an opportunity to communicate with the "beings" that are always nearby.People are kept alive by nature and the universe too.様々な撮影テクニックや質感で捉える自然写真。
様々な視点から自然を見つめること。それは、自然への愛。視点を切り替えることで、面白さを感じてもらい、いつも傍にある”その存在たち”とコミュニケーションをとるきっかけになればと思う。人も自然や宇宙に生かされている。"Neo Japanesque" series
Rediscover Japan from new aspects and dimensions.As westernization continues in Japan, it gives people an opportunity to take a closer look at Japanese identity and reconstruct it in an attractive way.Because of my spiritual explorations, I have been involved in various rituals in performance. I went to various places of prayer, sometimes climbing steep mountains to worship.
I captured miraculous moments. For these unapproachable, ethereal beings, I have incorporated elements of pop art to create images that are accessible to young people.新しい側面や次元から日本を再発見する。日本でも西洋化が進む中、人々に日本のアイデンティティにクローズアップする機会を与え、魅力ある形で再構築する。私は精神的な探究を行ってきた為、今まで私は様々な神事にパフォーマンスで携わってきました。様々な祈りの場所に赴き、時に険しい山を登り参拝しました。そこで様々な奇跡の瞬間を捉えました。近寄りがたい霊験あらたかな存在に対して、Popアートの要素を取り入れ身近なイメージに仕上げています。// Drawing
Shaman Tech -vision art-
Vision series by Ritual Medicine of the World.
This is not just a drawing. It is a visualization of all things and energies.
Everything in the universe and the world is depicted in its painting, a fusion of abstract and figurative, painting and photography, analog and technology. Painted with only one type of brush and colored with light.
I had never done fine pointillism before, but during the Medicine Ceremony, I suddenly began to draw visions. A creation of the gods descending from the heavens. While I am drawing I do not know how the work will turn out. I let my brush run as I feel it and embody the beauty of unintentionality. To my delight, three days after I started painting, I was asked to do a flyer for an event by the famous Japanese Ainu band oki dub band.
Rare visuals, as he currently creates only photography and video works.
細かい点描画を描いたことがなかったが、シャーマンによるMedicine Ceremonyの際に、私は突然ヴィジョンを描き始めた。天から降ってきた神々の創造物である。描いている最中は作品の出来上がりがどうなるかはわからない。感じるままに筆を走らせ、意図しない美しさを体現する。嬉しいことに、私が絵を描き始めて3日後、有名な和製アイヌバンドoki dub bandのイベントのフライヤーを依頼して頂いた。
現在は写真や映像作品ばかりを制作しているため、貴重なビジュアルとなっている。2020 アイヌ民族音楽家Oki Dub Bandイベントビジュアル制作
//Space & Mystic Shop
I was in charge of lighting, sculpture and decoration. It's total coordinate.
I also held workshops for children to make things to cultivate their creativity using the waste materials generated during production.
2021 保育施設アート遊具制作 (APどろんここぶた/横浜)
・ソーシャルアート 立体造形パーツ ワークショップ提供
2020逗子芸術祭 MIRRORBOWLERコラボ(亀ヶ岡八幡宮神奈川)
2015-2021 クリエーターズハウス
Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy
We're all in the universe.I welcome people from other stars, other dimensions, and parallel world lines.Come visit me anytime.I will guide you around the globe.Play with me together.